Annual check and inspection of emergency lighting

Emergency lighting is a form of lighting that is switched on when the electricity supply fails.

Well-functioning escape route indication and emergency lighting in a building is therefore essential to ensure safety in the event of emergencies and power outages. It is not without reason that the annual inspection of your emergency lighting is legally required.

Not only can you encounter problems with overdue maintenance during inspections by the Occupational Health and Safety Service or fire brigade, but also in the event of calamities and/or accidents, it will be checked afterwards whether you have fulfilled your obligations.

Due to its expertise and experienced employees, Electrical Integrity Inspection can provide completely independent advice.

As formulated in NEN-EN 1838, our inspection consists of a visual component and the necessary tests.

A visual inspection checks whether;

- The necessary drawings are present and the correct information is stated;

- The emergency exits have escape route indications;

- The emergency exits on the outside are equipped with emergency lighting;

- The escape routes have emergency lighting and escape route indication;

- There is emergency lighting in the vicinity of manual call points, fire extinguishing equipment, fire brigade panel and first aid post;

- There is emergency lighting in the vicinity of escape facilities for the disabled;

- MIVA toilets and MIVA call points have emergency lighting.

During testing it is checked whether:

- Switch the emergency lighting fixtures to the emergency power supply if the power supply fails;

- The emergency power supply keeps the emergency lighting fixture in operation for at least 1 hour;

- The illuminance on the floor of the escape routes meets the minimum requirements.

The conclusion and any defects are included in the inspection report. The inspector will also add the inspection results to the mandatory logbook. If this is not in your possession and/or it is outdated, we will be happy to help update or prepare it.

Would you like to have an inspection of the emergency lighting carried out?

If you have any questions or would like to receive a no-obligation quote, please contact us.

We can be reached via: or by telephone +31(0)88-520 21 00